Lighthearted Nutrition

An easygoing approach to improve your nutrition.

Nutrition Therapy

The goal of nutrition therapy is to improve your health by providing you with the nutrients your body needs to function properly by creating a personalized meal plan that takes into account your medical history, current health status, and any dietary restrictions you may have.

What Not to Expect

Unsustainable diet practices, such as:
Fad Diets (i.e. keto, cleanses, fasting, etc.)
Calorie Counting
Unrealistic Weightless Expectations
Magic Pills & Supplements

What To Expect

Sustainable diet practices, such as:
Affordable Meal Options
Realistic Weight Loss with Proper Adherence to Lifestyle Changes
Improved Energy Levels
Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases

My Philosophy

Using the word “diet” to describe the food you are eating can be misleading, as it often implies a restrictive eating plan designed for weight loss or health purposes. I use the the term “diet” to simply refer to the types and amounts of food a person consumes on a regular basis.

In my practice, I don’t generally describe certain foods as “good” or “bad” because this can be discouraging and I believe we should continue to enjoy all the foods we love while reaching and maintaining our goals.

Interested in beginning your nutrition journey? Get started here:


Amanda Mahaleris